Customer-driven, world leading research and innovation
Gränges is a leading supplier of rolled aluminium materials and offers production, sales, technical support, and customer-driven product development. Sustainability is a natural part of our core business and strategy and we strives to integrate sustainability aspects across our operations.
We hold strong positions in Europe, Asia and the US. We have six rolled aluminum production facilities on three continents with a combined annual production capacity of 800 ktonnes. Expansion takes place through organic growth and acquisitions.
A strong platform for growth
With product development and production capacity in three continents, Gränges has a solid platform to efficiently meet complex customer demands and new trends in an efficient and sustainable way. To grow presence through structural expansion is one of our strategic focus areas. We invest in production capacity and capabilities to meet increasing demand, address new end-customer markets and expand into adjacent markets.
We focus on developing new products, materials and processes in close cooperation with our customers. Our product developers and technicians offer advanced technical support and a wide range of services to customers to optimize the interaction between our products and the customers’ machinery, processes and applications. Our validation capabilities enhance customers’ competitiveness by saving time and cost for new product development and market introduction.
Increase efficiency through continuous improvements
Increasing productivity, process stability and energy efficiency, while reducing waste in the operations, are important and strategic focus areas.
We apply our own concept for lean manufacturing – Gränges’ Production System (GPS). It is implemented at all production plants and has resulted in simpler production flows and more waste-free processes. Efficient metal management reduces costs through continually improving sorting of recycled aluminium as well as optimizing the different types of recycled aluminium used in the re-melting process. In addition, our strong focus on operational efficiency reduces emissions to air and water and provides a safe and secure workplace for employees.
We have increased the level of digitalization by successfully optimizing productivity and quality by using machine intelligence and advanced analytical tools. Smart sensors have for example gradually been applied in critical production equipment, which have helped to improve the machine availability as well as process stability significantly. The implementation of digital tools and a more accurate process control also leads to improved energy utilization, reduced waste in the slitting line, which has a positive environmental impact.
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Core values
People and company culture are the foundation of our business. The way employees act in their daily work makes the difference for our success.
Strategy and targets
To remain successful in the future, Gränges believes there is a need to be even more value driven than today. As part of the execution of Navigate.