A report from the 2nd NEV Thermal Management Summit in Shanghai, China

On September 23-24, 2019 about 160 automotive thermal management professionals gathered in Shanghai for the second NEV (New Energy Vehicle) Thermal Management Summit. Torbjörn Sternsjö and Lucy Wang represented Gränges. Torbjörn as a key note speaker, moderator and as a member of one of the panel discussions.
What is the NEV Thermal Management Summit all about?
- We at Gränges has been the sponsor of this Summit since it started two years ago. It is a good marketing platform for us. It focuses on heat exchangers, batteries, the environment and technologies within Chinese NEV thermal management in particular and NEV thermal management in general. Another big part of the Summit is to share experiences and knowledge among the participants, Torbjörn Sternsjö, SVP Technology & Business Development, says.
Torbjörn Sternsjö at the Summit
There were many interesting presentations and discussions during the two days. For instance, a session about Hybrid & Electric Vehicles, where the focus was on market size and characteristics as well as supplier challenges and opportunities 2019-2025. Another topic was on Trends of Next Generation Battery Technologies and Torbjörn Sternsjö participated in a panel discussion on the topic: “Future/Technical Challenge/Barrier and Solution in NEV Thermal Management Industry”. - All topics at the Summit are of course interesting and more or less relevant for us at Gränges. Besides that, the Summit also provides a good opportunity to meet customers, OEM’s and peers, to share ideas and to discuss future opportunities within the industry. We were the only material supplier at the summit and we got good attention and recognition, Sternsjö continues.
What would you say was the most interesting parts/topics of the summit? And why?
For me, the most interesting part was the AVL speech - “Efficient Thermal management – from the first Phase of Development”. It was a presentation about the holistic thermal management developing capability from concept phase till the start of production. AVL is the world’s largest independent company for the development of powertrains, instrumentation and test systems and simulation software, I think they will play an increasing role in NEV supply chain in a foreseen future, Lucy Wang, SVP Sales & Marketing Asia, says.
What would you like to highlight from the Summit? Any topic/area?
Lucy Wang, SVP Sales & Marketing Asia
- Most topics discussed were of interest for us, but if I have to choose, I must say that it was great to hear about and discuss Direct Cooling, a new battery cooling technology which is interesting for us to explore and to understand how that will affect us. Even though the EV market has slightly decreased in China, it is still a high demand and the general belief is that it will continue to be developed and there are a lot of sign that supports that, Sternsjö says.
- I found that foreign companies are very optimistic to China NEV market development, including Roland Berger who believes the content per vehicle will increase up to 200% in NEV Vs ICE. There were various big companies working on new technologies like fluids, and finally, a Tier 1 Supplier (Valeo) demonstrates good example on how to sell solutions through the data illustration on Cost and Performance, Wang concludes.