GPM launches high-performance AM aluminium for wear resistance applications

GPM launches its second Additive Manufacturing aluminium alloy, S260 AM. The alloy, part of the Dispal® family, is a high-performance aluminium alloy, characterized by wear resistance and excellent tribology properties.
Are you looking to significantly cut the weight of your application, but you need a material that is both wear resistant and at the same time has a low CTE? This material is for you.
S260 AM is a high-performance aluminium alloy for additive manufacturing, engineered especially for challenging applications that require high wear resistance. The fine matrix structure of silicon particles coupled with Cu and Mg elements allow to manufacture components that are natively resistant to the highest of wears activities. Because the silicon is evenly distributed across the part, the outstanding properties are achievable without the need of additional coating, for a long lasting and permanent effect.
Another key characteristic of this material – comparably to other DISPAL materials – is a low coefficient of thermal expansion, achieved thanks to the high silicon content. This makes S260AM the perfect match to those components that need to be machined on very tight tolerances and that need to perform in challenging environments, subjected to temperature fluctuations, without deformations. An example is oil pump gears, or other hydraulic applications. Spool valves can be manufactured directly with matching CTE to their manifolds and without additional manufacturing steps, e.g. coating. Valves made of S260AM can perform millions of cycles, outperforming even steel valves.
- We saw a big need, especially in the automotive industry, for an alloy that is lightweight, wear resistant and at the same time has a low CTE. For many of our customers weight reduction is a big driver, and additive manufacturing allows them to go even further, without compromising on performance. Thanks to S260AM our customers can break records and to do that more cost-effectively and with a shorter lead time, says Greta, heading the AM development.
Other applications example for S260AM in automotive are cylinder liners, where the presence of Cu and Mg increases the strength, and transmission for controlling the fuel in brake systems.
While S260AM is another great step for GPM into the additive manufacturing world, there are further plans in the agenda for more material releases soon. Together with the development of new materials, GPM is working to address some of the main challenges that AM is still facing, for example serial production and high productivity.