Gränges gets top score in investor relations ranking

Gränges is ranked third Best Company of the listed companies in Sweden, and CFO Oskar Hellström is ranked second best CFO, according to IR Nordic Market 2018.
“We are very proud of being recognized for our financial communications. Top score in two out of three categories is extremely good given our size compared to other companies that performs well in the ranking”, said Gränges CFO Oskar Hellström.
In total, 80 listed companies in Sweden are included in the 21th IR Nordic Markets award 2018. Financial analysts have rated companies they actively follow, based on objective opinions and personal experience. The survey includes 25 criteria, from the Annual Report to the perception of top management’s communication skills and competence.
Gränges was one of few Mid Cap companies in the survey.
Best company
1. Investor
2. Sandvik
3. Gränges
4. Swedbank
5. Swedish Match
Best CFO
1. Atlas Copco, Hans Ola Meyer, Chief Financial Officer
2. Gränges, Oskar Hellström, CFO & vice VD
3. Sandvik, Tomas Eliasson, Executive Vice President and CFO
4. Essity, Fredrik Rystedt, CFO and Executive Vice President
5. Swedbank, Anders Karlsson, CFO