Gränges’ sustainability efforts gets higher ranking

For the fourth consecutive year, Dagens industri and Aktuell Hållbarhet in collaboration with Lund University School of Economics ranked this year's sustainable Swedish companies. Once again, Gränges was among the top-ranked material companies.
Sofia Hedevåg, SVP Sustainability at Gränges
The ranking includes 133 of the largest listed companies in the sectors consumer goods, capital goods, materials, investment companies, banks and groceries. Gränges was ranked as number 5 among material companies and number 8 among all Swedish large companies.
– I am very proud that all the good work done by Gränges to develop sustainable aluminium products and solutions which support the transition to a sustainable and circular economy has been recognized. The acknowledgement shows our great teamwork and strong commitment to sustainability, Sofia Hedevåg SVP Sustainability says.
How the Sustainable Company ranking works
Sustainable Companies is a ranking carried out by Aktuell Hållbarhet, Dagens Industri and Lund University. The ranking is carried out for the fourth year in a row. Sustainable Companies ranks 133 of the stock exchange's largest companies in the GICS categories capital goods (56 companies), consumer goods (28 companies), materials (18 companies), groceries (8 companies), banks (9 companies) and investment companies (14 companies). The ranking consists of two parts. The first part is a study and analysis of the companies' annual / sustainability reports and websites. The second of a survey that this year had a response rate of the next 70 percent. The maximum score that a company can receive is 119. The report and website study account for 98 points and the survey for 21 points.
The ranking model has seven categories - anti-corruption, personnel, environment and climate, sustainability strategy and SDG, human rights, capital market impact and more. As regards the report and website study, a total of 98 different kpis and indicators have been used.