New solar panels generate renewable electricity in Shanghai

Our team in Gränges Asia has recently installed solar panels on the roof of the production facility in Shanghai. The electricity generated is used to power the Shanghai grid and community.
Since the beginning of 2023, Gränges Shanghai has secured 100 per cent renewable electricity supply from hydropower for our own production. Newly installed roof-top solar panels are also generating renewable electricity whichis powering the Shanghai grid and community. This initiative demonstrates Gränges’ strong commitment to sustainability and combatting climate change.
The solar panels are not only a source of renewable electricity, they are also an important symbol of our sustainability efforts and a source of pride for the staff in Shanghai.
“To combat climate change, we need to take action to make really big changes but also many small ones. We need to seek ways to improve our own operations and to contribute in our societies. The solar panels are a great reminder to everyone who comes to Gränges Shanghai that we are committed to sustainability leadership and to reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2040,”says Yun Lu, Utility Manager, who has been a key person in driving this initiative.
Key people in the project: Yongjiang Wang, Yiwei Yang, Yun Lu.