
Long-term goals and plans

Gränges’ long-term plan support the creation of sustainable and circular aluminium solutions to drive sustainable growth. The plan focuses on three key areas with accompanying long-term goals which show a clear direction for the sustainability efforts. The plan also supports the ten principles of UN Global Compact as well as to fulfil the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda and sustainability goals.


Gränges invests in sustainable operations and sustainable sourcing and recycling to reduce the life-cycle climate impact of its products. By 2030, Gränges aims to reduce its carbon intensity by 65 percent versus baseline 2017. By 2040 the company aims to reach net-zero emissions throughout the value chain. The long-term climate goals have been validated by SBTi.


Gränges invests in circular business models, closed-loop partnerships, recycling capacity, and circular alloy development to increase the usage of recycled materials in its products. By 2030, Gränges aims to reach a total recycling volume of 500 ktonnes which corresponds to 10x the volume in baseline 2017.


Gränges invests in safety, business ethics, and people to ensure responsibly produced aluminium and responsible business practices throughout the value chain. By 2030, Gränges aims to have 100 percent sustainable suppliers, as defined by the company’s new responsible sourcing process that will be implemented in 2024.